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Promanis excels is providing experienced, professional and friendly consultants who can understand you and your company. Whether its Project Management, Business Development or general IT Consulting - we care about building your business.

Promanis Publishing

Practical Project Management Book
Recently our senior project manager, Michael Snoswell, condensed his project management training notes from his 25 years experience into a single book of sage advice for our clients. Usually this material is covered in a two day workshop costing our clients over $3,000. This book provides key advice that has already saved our clients tens of thousand of dollars. This book will teach you how project management is done in the real world, it's not vague theoretical waffle but hard advice and practical guidelines and lessons you must apply to have a successful project.
You can read Kindle books on a PC, a Apple Mac, an iPhone or an Android Phone - you don't need a Kindle reader!

Available online as a Kindle ebook for immediate download for only $3.79!!.
CLICK HERE to purchase the Practical Project Management Book now from Amazon Kindle.

Still not convinced? If you would like to read more details about this book then click HERE.

    Other Promanis Documentation

Project Management Processes
If required, Promanis will provide Templates and Example documents for project management to our clients, this includes documents defining the project management process. Usually these documents are heaily modified for each client's specific needs, however as a starting point these documents provide a valuable advantage to our clients.

   Publishing News

Continuing internal R&D project work on Internet of Things development
Working on Machine Learning algorithm development for a Artificial Intelligence solution
Delivered a national based project to a significant law enforecement client
Practical Project Management ebook released on Amazon Kindle for only $2.99!

Practical Project Management ebook released to the public (previously only available in note form for clients)

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